Monday, May 11, 2009

Non-Governmental Organizations

Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs), are groups which work independently of government or business, and are commonly referred to as NGOs or Third Sector Organizations. They are often also non-profit groups. NGOs can include community organisations, advocacy groups, environmental organisations, watchdog organizations or think tanks. The United States alone has over 2 million NGOS.
In recent decades, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have become powerful voices for democracy, human rights and environmental protection around the world. The "War on NGOs" describes a process by which governments, business groups and conservative think tanks have fought back against this process by trying to delegitamise and disempower NGOs, through both propaganda and legislative means.
According to a June 8, 2003, Opinion piece published in The New York Times, "The Life and Death of Foundations", nonprofit organizations dependent upon foundations for their continued existence may reap a "bonanza" courtesy of the U.S. Congress:

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