"The present author (A. M.), at a private dinner party in Upper Brook Street, Mayfair, London, met Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, widow of the late American President. Since, at this period, the author was engaged upon his inquiries concerning the authenticity of the Ustashi, he asked Mrs. Roosevelt whether she had ever heard of them.
"One of the worst, if not the worse, crimes of the war, was her prompt reply. I heard of them in the winter of 1941-2. Neither I nor my husband (F.D.R.) at first believed them to be true."
"I did not believe them either," the present author (Avro) commented. I assumed them to be propaganda."
"We thought the same," replied Mrs. Roosevelt. "The Catholic lobby was the most successful at the White House for years."
Had she ever heard of an American author, L. Adamic? (The principal white-washer of the Catholic atrocities). She had. One of the many who had persuaded her husband that the atrocity stories from Croatia had been concocted by the Nazi propaganda machine. Could she explain why these Catholic atrocities were not as well known as the Nazi ones?
"Nazi Germany is no more," replied Mrs. Roosevelt. "The Catholic Church is still here with us. More powerful than ever. With her own Press and the World Press at her bidding. Anything published about the atrocities in the future will not be believed. . ."
The present author thereupon told her he was writing a book about them.
"Your book might convince a few," she commented. "But what about the hundreds of millions already brainwashed by Catholic propaganda?"
A few years later, in 1953, when the book was eventually published, although two editions were sold within weeks, no part of the British or American Press dared even to mention it."
"The Vatican record in Croatia was particularly open to condemnation and much worse than in Slovakia because of the monstrous crimes committed by a piously Catholic regime, headed by Ante Pavelic, the leader of the Ustashe movement, which had come to power on 10 April 1941। Ustashe violence directed against the 'schismatic' (i.e., the Orthodox Serbs), resembled a 'religious crusade.' The Vatican deplored preaching the gospel out of the barrel of a gun, but it also knew how proud the new regime was of its thirteen hundred year old links with the Holy See. The Croatian state had wasted no time in passing racial laws against the Jews-accomplishing in a matter of weeks (one month) what it had taken the Nazi regime years to achieve in Germany. As early as May 1941, Jews were being rounded up and sent to concentration camps."
"On June 2, 1941, in Nova Grarfiska, Dr. Milovan Zanitch, Minister of Justice, declared:
'This State, our country, is only for the Croats, and not for anyone else. There are no ways and means which we Croats will not use to make our country truly ours, and to clean it of all Orthodox Serbs. All those who came into our country 300 years ago must disappear. We do not hide this our intention. It is the policy of our State, and during its promotion we shall do nothing else but follow the principles of the Ustashi.' "
"In a speech given in Gospic on June 6, 1941, Mile Budak, the Ustasha Minister of Education and Cults, explained the policy of genocide against the Orthodox Serbs as follows:
'One-third of the Serbs we shall kill, another we shall deport, and the last we shall force to embrace the Roman Catholic religion and thus melt them into Croats.' ""The Ustasha publication, Novi List, July 24, 1941, published this sentiment from Franciscan priest / pastor Mate Mogus, from Ubdina:
"Until now we have worked for the Catholic faith with the prayer book and with the cross. Now the time has come to work with rifle and revolver." [ ibid; p. 131 ]
At a meeting in Udbina on June 13, 1941, he [Friar Mate Mogus] gave the following homily:
'Look, people, at these 16 brave Ustashi, who have 16,000 bullets and who will kill 16,000 Serbs, after which we will divide among us in a brotherly manner the Mutilic and Krbava fields'— a speech which was the signal for the beginning of the slaughter of Serbs in the district of Udbina।
For the Croatian people, the Serbs are the biggest enemies, to which, as in the rest of Europe, we can add the Jews, the Free Masons, and the communists. . . Therefore: may we finally stop using the dumb claim, so unworthy of the followers of Christ, that one should fight against evil and against ruinous people in a polite and elegant manner. Hildebrandt, the simple Benedictine monk filled with holy rage, and also Pope Gregory VII purged the Church of many parasites, not with elegance but with a strong hand directing the holy revolution. The poglavnik ("fuëhrer") is a courageous man, a great man, a man of God and of the people. May the dear Lord preserve our poglavnik for a long life! And may He preserve him always ready for action in the holy revolution against all evil!' "
"Holy Father! Since divine providence has made it possible that I take over the helm of my people and my homeland, I am firmly determined and wish fervently that the Croatian people, faithful to their laudable past, also in the future remain loyal to the holy apostle Peter and his followers and that our homeland, filled with the law of the New Testament, become Christ's kingdom. In this truly great work, I fervently ask the aid of Your Holiness. As such aid I first see that Your Holiness with Your highest apostolic authority recognize our state, then that You deign as quickly as possible to send Your representative, who will help me with Your fatherly advice, and finally that he impart to me and my people the apostolic blessing. Kneeling at the feet of Your Holiness. I kiss your sacred right hand as the obedient son of Your Holiness"
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