Thursday, May 14, 2009

Telekom Srpske Pay 'Dividend

Telekom Srpske, based in the Serb Republic, said it would pay 30 million marka in a 2008 dividend as well as 18.8 million marka for the first quarter of 2009. It made a 119.2 million net profit in 2008.
The largest portion goes to Serbian national telecom Telekom Srbije which holds a 65 percent stake in the firm. The regional privatisation fund and pension fund each hold 10 percent stakes while the remainder belongs to a local fund and various small shareholders.
BH Telecom, the largest of Bosnia's three ethnically-based telecoms, said it would pay 90 percent of the 110 million marka dividend to the Muslim-Croat federation government, its majority stakeholder, and the remainder to small shareholders.
The third and smallest company, HT Mostar, which operates mostly in Croat-dominated areas of the Muslim-Croat federation, has not publicly disclosed its 2008 figures but its officials have said they expect revenues to grow by 10 percent from 2007.
State-controlled BH Telecom and HT Mostar are awaiting privatisation, pending parliament's approval of the sell-off strategy.
Both the Muslim-Croat federation and the Serb Republic are autonomous regions within Bosnia, created after the 1992-95 war. ($1=1.425 Bosnian marka)

Global Warming

Global worming is real and it is not imagination. to find more about that please join Union of Concerned Scientist. Here are how: Membership in UCS begins at $25. Join UCS as a new member for $35 or more, and you'll receive a FREE UCS mouse pad.
Make a Donation
The Union of Concerned Scientists brings sound science to some of the most critical environmental and global security challenges of our day. Your donation allows us to be an independent voice for policy change and to continue developing science-based solutions to important environmental issues. For your annual membership of $25 or more, we will send you our quarterly newsletter, Earthwise, and our magazine, Catalyst. You can make donation between 1.000 and 25 $ and if you really want even more. We take it all. We love you and we want to protect you.

Climate Change Demistified

Do you think Global Warming will destroy the planet? Lets take a closer look at the facts.
The Sun, Water vapor, Earth's orbit, Volcanoes, Interstellar clouds, Cosmic rays, Tectonic plates, Land use, CO2, Sunspots, Gravitational pulls, Ocean currents and Solar flares. Imagine each one of these as a 100,000 piece puzzle and mix them all together. Now randomly take out 1/4 of all the pieces and try to put it together. This represents our world and its environment.

Global Warming Lies was created because when you do an internet search on global warming 99% of what you find is how the Earth is doomed and we are all going to drown from global warming. This isn't the case, in fact most climatologists will tell you differently. Global Warming Lies is an attempt to break down the science into every day language, provide facts, use logic and common sense instead of the "You're going to die" method.
Every Climatologist will tell you the Earth's temperature has been much hotter and colder than it is now.
There was an Ice Age and it warmed up, there was a Mini Ice Age just 500 years ago and it has been warming up ever since. The Industrial Revolution was not around during those periods.
NASA reports because of Solar Flares the Sun is the hottest it has been in over 100 years. There are no cars on the sun.
Global warming is causing ice to melt on Mars. There are no cars on Mars.
Thousands and thousands of studies and experiments prove that more carbon dioxide produces better fruits, vegetables, trees and almost any sort of plant life.
Most of the temperature increase happened before 1940 (Before most carbon dioxide was released by cars and factories)
The hot year of 1998 was caused by El Nino.
Joining the Kyoto Protocol would cost the U.S. approximately $400 Billion every year and would have virtually no effect on earths temperature.
Global Warming Lies and many millions of other people who don't believe global warming is man made have never received money from any oil company.
If you don't believe global warming will destroy the earth you will be accused of working for an oil company.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

U.S Embassy Criticizes Dodik

The U.S. has condemned Dodik’s call for Serb soldiers not to participate in NATO military exercises in Georgia.

“Dodik’s statement constitute a direct and unacceptable questioning of an institution that is of key importance for Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and the Dayton Peace Accords. Dodik’s claim that Bosnia’s decision to participate in the exercises is political is absolutely wrong,” the American embassy in Sarajevo stated.

It added that, a little over a year ago, the Bosnia-Herzegovina presidency, which is the supreme commander of the Bosnian armed forces, approved participation in these exercise, which are a key part of the Defense Ministry’s training plan for 2009.

The embassy stated that Dodik “regularly stresses his orientation and support for the Dayton Peace Accords.”

“Yesterday’s statements seriously call into question the possibility of the international community concluding with certainty that the government of the Republic of Srpska prime minister is ready to fully respect the Dayton Peace Accords, and that it is ready to refrain from rhetoric and activities that could be a threat to and violation of the Dayton Peace Accords,” the statement concludes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

NGOs: the self-appointed altruists.

Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture shock. Many of them live in plush apartments, or five-star hotels, drive SUV's, sport $3000 laptops and PDAs. They earn a two-figure multiple of the local average wage. They are busybodies, preachers, critics, do-gooders, and professional altruists.

Always self-appointed, they answer to no constituency. Though unelected and ignorant of local realities, they confront the democratically chosen and those who voted them into office. A few of them are enmeshed in crime and corruption. They are the Non-Governmental Organizations, or NGOs.

Some NGOs – like Oxfam, Human Rights Watch, Medecins Sans Frontieres, or Amnesty – genuinely contribute to enhancing welfare, to the mitigation of hunger, the furtherance of human and civil rights, or the curbing of disease. Others – usually in the guise of think tanks and lobby groups – are sometimes ideologically biased, or religiously-committed and, often, at the service of special interests.

NGOs – such as the International Crisis Group – have openly interfered on behalf of the opposition in the recent elections in Macedonia. Other NGOs have done so in Belarus and Ukraine, Zimbabwe and Israel, Nigeria and Thailand, Slovakia and Hungary – and even in Western, rich, countries including the USA, Canada, Germany, and Belgium.

The encroachment on state sovereignty of international law – enshrined in numerous treaties and conventions – allows NGOs to get involved in hitherto strictly domestic affairs like corruption, civil rights, the composition of the media, the penal and civil codes, environmental policies, or the allocation of economic resources and of natural endowments, such as land and water. No field of government activity is now exempt from the glare of NGOs. They serve as self-appointed witnesses, judges, jury and executioner, all rolled into one.

Regardless of their persuasion or modus operandi, all NGOs are top-heavy with entrenched, well-remunerated, extravagantly perked bureaucracies. Opacity is typical of NGOs. Amnesty's rules prevent its officials from publicly discussing the inner workings of the organization – proposals, debates, opinions – until they have become officially voted into its Mandate. Thus, dissenting views rarely get an open hearing.

Contrary to their teachings, the financing of NGOs is invariably obscure and their sponsors unknown. The bulk of the income of most non-governmental organizations, even the largest ones, comes from - usually foreign – powers. Many NGOs serve as official contractors for governments.

NGOs serve as long arms of their sponsoring states – gathering intelligence, burnishing their image, and promoting their interests. There is a revolving door between the staff of NGOs and government bureaucracies the world over. The British Foreign Office finances a host of NGOs –[ including the fiercely "independent" Global Witness – in troubled spots, such as Angola. Many host governments accuse NGOs of – unwittingly or knowingly – serving as hotbeds of espionage.

Very few NGOs derive some of their income from public contributions and donations. The more substantial NGOs spend one tenth of their budget on PR and solicitation of charity. In a desperate bid to attract international attention, so many of them lied about their projects in the Rwanda crisis in 1994, according to The Economist, that the Red Cross felt compelled to draw up a ten point mandatory NGO code of ethics. A code of conduct was adopted in 1995. But the phenomenon recurred in Kosovo.

All NGOs claim to be not for profit, yet many of them possess sizable equity portfolios and abuse their position to increase the market share of firms they own. Conflicts of interest and unethical behaviour abound.

Cafedirect is a British firm committed to "fair trade" coffee. Oxfam, an NGO, embarked on a campaign targeted at Cafedirect's competitors, accusing them of exploiting growers by paying them a tiny fraction of the retail price of the coffee they sell. Yet, Oxfam Great Britain owns 25 per cent of Cafedirect.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs), are groups which work independently of government or business, and are commonly referred to as NGOs or Third Sector Organizations. They are often also non-profit groups. NGOs can include community organisations, advocacy groups, environmental organisations, watchdog organizations or think tanks. The United States alone has over 2 million NGOS.
In recent decades, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have become powerful voices for democracy, human rights and environmental protection around the world. The "War on NGOs" describes a process by which governments, business groups and conservative think tanks have fought back against this process by trying to delegitamise and disempower NGOs, through both propaganda and legislative means.
According to a June 8, 2003, Opinion piece published in The New York Times, "The Life and Death of Foundations", nonprofit organizations dependent upon foundations for their continued existence may reap a "bonanza" courtesy of the U.S. Congress:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Невладине Институције и како се одбранити

Свакодненво можемо прочитати натписе и чланке о различитим невладиним институцијама и организацијама које креирају политику у различтитм дијеловима свијета па тако и на Балкану.
Вечином се мисли на САД организације и њихову повезаност са владом.
У САД постоји на стотине невладиних организација имплементинг на хиљаде најразличитијих пројеката. Вечина њих има звучна имена и готово све које врше стварање јавног мијењ изван САД ће вам на различите начине покушавати представити да у ствари износе мишљење владе САД.
Пођимо са анализом. Ако је све то тачно онда зашто нам уопште долазе и убијеђују нас у ишта. Зашто то једностано не спроведу без нас.
Једноставно зато што то није тачно. Задатак Невладиних институција је стварање јавног мијења одностно утицај на вас саме да прихватите њихове идеје и извршите сами оно што они предлажу. ОНИ АПСОЛУТНО МЕМАЈУ МОГУЋНОСТ ДА ТО ОСТВАРЕ БЕЗ ВАС. Није искључено да постоје и наши политичари који су са истим идејама, али ни они немогу то спровести уколико намају јавну подршку.
Ту се опет враћамо на Невладине Институције. У једном тренутку вам може изгледати да је ћитав свијет иза њихове идеје и да сте једини проблем Ви. Прво свијет је обично на вашој страни а Ви за њих и јесте проблем јер се супротстављате.
Онда шта урадити.
Бити информисан, знати ко су они и не обрачати уопште пажњу на њих. Једини који можете нешто промијенити сте Ви.
Да закључимо. Нетреба пристати нинаккаву промјену која није у нашем интересу а не нарочито признати независност Косова или укинути Републику Српску. Наравно то незнач да нетребамо разговарати и тражити боља рјешења али само ако одговарају нама.